Amidst the ongoing Ukraine invasion, Russia plans to equip its navy vessels with ‘Kalibr’ missiles, as naval experts predict the weapon is likely to arm its fleet widely.
According to reports Russia has recently used the Kalibr cruise missile to attack Ukraine among other projectiles.
Meanwhile, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu in his recent announcement hinted Kalibr cruise missiles will soon be fired from the Lada-class submarine Kronstadt which is currently under construction.
Following the ministers’ announcement, a report suggests the corvette Steregushchiy will also receive a new Kalibr-NK missile system during its modernization work at the Kronstadt Marine Plant.
Commenting on the matter Mikhail Budnichenko, CEO of the shipyard Sevmash, said this month the nuclear missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov will be armed with Kalibr-NK missiles, following repairs and modernization work.